Rubia Cordifolia

Emmenagogue, astringent & divertic
Available in whole or powder form
Common Names:Dyers Madder, Indian Madder, Manjista, Farberwurzel, Majit.

Rubia cordifolia is used both, internally as well as externally. The roots of Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) externally, is highly recommended in skin diseases associated with edema and oozing. The wound and ulcers dressed with Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) ghrta heal promptly and get dried up and well cleansed. Especially the chronic non-healing and cozying wounds respond very will. The Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) ointment medicated with Sat dhauta ghrta, is the best panacea for erysipelas. The burns and scalds heal up magically without scar formatuio, when treated with Manjistha ghrta. The chronic wounds are washed with the decoction of manjistha and dressed with its rasakriya (solid extract). In fractures, the external splint of Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha), madhuka skin and amalaki leaves is beneficial. Rubia cordifolia root powder works well, with ghee, for the medicament of acne. Used externally as a paste by itself or with honey, it heals inflammation and gives the skin an even tone and smoothness. Rubia cordifolia is a powerful dye, imparting a reddish tinge to the skin and is used in dying the clothes also. Internally, Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) is valuable in a vast range of diseases. In diarrhea, Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) works well when combined with lodhra (Symplicos racemosa) skin powder . Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) is benevolent in gastrointestinal ailments like loss of appetite, dyspepsia and worm infestations, as it is an appetizer, digestant, destroys ama and a vermicide. Rubia cordifol ia (Manjistha) kvatha is widely used as a blood purifier. Rubia cordifolia acts mainly on rasa and rakta srotasas, alleviates the kapha and pitta dosas and eliminates toxins. This ameliorates the vitiation of bhrajaka pitta (pitta from the skin) and imparts better complexion to the skin. Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) was held in high esteem by ancient sages in the treatment of skin diseases. It is widely used, till today, in various skin disorders like erysipelas, eczema, acne, scabies and allergic manifestations. Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) helps in controlling the irritation of nerves and pacifies the mind, hence salutary in epilepsy, especially of pitta type. The decoction of Rubia cordifolia (manjistha), triphala, daruharidra, guduci, katuka, nimba and vaca is used in gout with benefit. The cold infusion of Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) improves the menstrual bleeding and relieves the pain in dysmenorrheal. Rubia cordifolia stimulates and cleanses the uterus, so useful in postnatal ailments. The decoction of Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) is useful in oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea. Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha) is useful as an adjunct in treating hepatitis. Rubia cordifolia is an effective medicament for hoarseness of voice, due to vitiated kapha dosha and cough. Rubia cordifolia is also anti-diabetic and useful in treating urinary calculi. Rubia cordifolia is widely used as a rejuvenative in pigment disorders of the skin and in general debility. Mahamanjisthadi kvatha is one of the popular preparations, used as a blood purifier and in treating various skin diseases. A clinical trial has shown the statistically significant results in acne. (Clinical evaluation of Mahamanjisthadi kvatha and Suksma Triphala in the management of acne vulgaris.
