Passiflora Incaranta Herb

Anti-spasmodic, sedative
Available in whole or powder form
Common Names:Passion fruit.

Passiflora incaranta is a great herb that is used traditionally for various disorders. Passiflora incaranta is used for anxiety, as sedative, for high blood pressure and nervous heart, insomnia, during female hormonal transitions, in performance anxiety, for deaddiction, for irritative cough and many other conditions. Passiflora incaranta gained importance in mid-nineteenth century when L. Phare introduced it into Western Medicine in 1840. Passiflora incarnata is in use both as an edible and for medicinal purposes. Sleeplessness of infants and children respond well to Passiflora incaranta. Old persons whose insomnia is due to excessive worries and mental labor get good benefit from Passiflora incaranta. Passionflower is a mild sedative. This action is useful in hysteria, delirium, agitation, nervine, nervousness, restlessness, anxiety. Nervous and hyperactive children respond well to Passiflora incaranta. Passiflora incaranta offers benefit in the concentration problems. The power of focusing attention is enhanced. Passiflora incaranta can be used in high blood pressure esp. when nervous anxiety or agitation of mind is felt. In females especially, there are periods of hormonal adjustments or transition during the onset of menstrual cycle around puberty and later when menstrual cycle stops around menopause period. All these periods are associated with some psychological element as well. Passiflora incaranta eases the expectoration that is why it is of use in bronchial asthma, whooping cough, cough when sputum doesn't come out easily. It can help in irritative cough. As vermifuge Passiflora incaranta expels the worms out. Neuralgia or nerve pains, headaches and general pain respond favorably to Passiflora incaranta . Passiflora incaranta is said to be strengthening for our nerves. Passiflora incaranta might exert its positive effect as anti-convulsant and thus be helpful in seizures.


Plantago Ovata Husk

Demulcent, astringent, laxative, diuretic, emollient
Available in whole or powder form
Common Names:Spogel , Psyllium, Ispaghula, Isabgul.

Plantago ovata (Psyllium), also referred to as ispaghula, is derived from the husks of the seeds of Plantago ovata . Plantago ovata (Psyllium) contains a high level of soluble dietary fiber, and is the chief ingredient in many commonly used bulk laxatives. Plantago ovata (Psyllium) has been studied as a "non-systemic" cholesterol-lowering agent, with generally modest effects seen on total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis have been reported, particularly in healthcare workers with previous experience preparing psyllium-containing bulk laxatives. Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract by such laxatives has also been reported, particularly in patients with prior bowel surgeries or anatomic abnormalities, or when mixed with inadequate amounts of water. Plantago ovata (Psyllium) is well studied as a lipid-lowering agent with generally modest reductions seen in blood levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein ("bad cholesterol"). Effects have been observed following eight weeks of regular use. Plantago ovata (Psyllium) does not appear to have significant effects on high-density lipoprotein ("good cholesterol") or triglyceride levels. Because only small reductions have been observed, people with high cholesterol should discuss the use of more potent agents with their healthcare provider. Effects have been observed in adults and children, although long-term safety in children is not established. Plantago ovata (Psyllium) has been studied for the treatment of diarrhea, particularly in patients undergoing tube feeding. Early research shows that dietary Plantago ovata (psyllium) and chitosan supplementation may help to increase the excretion of fat in the stool. Several studies have examined the administration of Plantago ovata (psyllium) with meals or just prior to meals in order to measure effects on blood sugar levels. Measurements have been done immediately after meals and throughout the day. Effects of regular (chronic) psyllium use have also been investigated. In general, no immediate (acute) changes in blood sugar levels have been reported. Long-term effects have been inconsistent across studies, although modest reductions have been reported in some research. Plantago ovata (Psyllium) preparations have been studied for more than 20 years in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Plantago ovata (psyllium) improves glucose homeostasis and the lipid and lipoprotein profile.


Psoralea Corylifolia Seeds

Anthelmintic, diuretic, diaphortic, laxative, fragrant, stimulant & aphrodisiac
Available in whole or powder form
Common Names:Babchi, Vakuchi, Bavachi, Bakuchi.

Psoralea corylifolia seeds have great medicinal value. Psoralea corylifolia plant is used both internally as well as externally. Psoralea corylifolia seed oil is extremely beneficial, externally, in in numerous skin ailments. In hypopigmented lesions if the skin like leucoderma and psoriasis respond well, to local application along with oral therapy. In leucoderma, the seed powder of Psoralea corylifolia mixed with haratala bhasma (yellow arsenic), in 4:1 proportion, and mashed with the cow’s urine. This paste is applied on the lesions of leucoderma. In scabies and ringworm infestations, the Psoralea corylifolia seed powder mixed with buttermilk, is applied externally. In leprosy, the seed oil is recommended orally, with beatlenut leaf. Amalaki and khadira are valuable adjuvants, with Psoralea corylifolia, in dermatoses. In chronic skin diseases, a mixture of Psoralea corylifolia and karanja oil is commonly used with Vaseline. Scabies, psoriasis, ringworm and tinea versicular are treated successfully with Psoralea corylifolia. Orally, Psoralea corylifolia is useful in various diseases. It is a well – known nervine tonic beneficial in vata diseases, in intestinal worm infestations. Psoralea corylifolia seed powder is given orally for the duration os one week, followed by a purgative like castor oil, Psoralea corylifolia in male sexual debility, works well as an aphorodisiac. To alleviate oedema, Psoralea corylifolia is useful as it is stimulant to heart. Psoralea corylifolia is salutary in cough and asthma to alleviate kapha dosa. The Psoralea corylifolia seeds are purified, before use, by soaking them in ginger juice or cow’s urine, for one week. On larger doses, it produces symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and headache. The drug should be withdrawn and milk, ghee and butter should be consumed in diet. Psoralea corylifolia is advised to avoid spicy diet, salt and late nights during bakuci regimen.


Phyllanthus Niruri Herb

De-obstrvent, diuretic, astringent & cooling
Available in whole or powder form
Common Names:Herbe Dye chagrin, Weisse Blatt-blume. Kirunelli, Kirunelli. Bhuyavali. Bhumyaamlaki.

Phyllanthus niruri has been used in ayurvedic medicine for over 2,000 years and has a wide number of traditional uses. This includes employing the whole Phyllanthus niruri for jaundice, gonorrhea, frequent menstruation, and diabetes and using it topically as a poultice for skin ulcers, sores, swelling, and itchiness. The young shoots of Phyllanthus niruri are administered in the form of an infusion for the treatment of chronic dysentery. Phyllanthus niruri is the most effective of a group of closely related species that grow in India, China, and tropical locations ranging from the Philippines to Cuba. Scientists have not identified the ingredient responsible for its medicinal effect, but Phyllanthus niruri has been shown to block an enzyme that plays a crucial role in reproduction of the hepatitis B virus. As a result, a majority of patients show an improvement in blood tests after a month of treatment. In a preliminary study, carriers of hepatitis B virus were treated with a preparation of the plant Phyllanthus amarus for 30 days. 22 of 37 (59%) treated patients had lost hepatitis B surface antigen when tested 15-20 days after the end of the treatment compared with only 1 of 23 (4%) placebo-treated controls. Some subjects have been followed for up to 9 months. In no case has the surface antigen returned. Clinical observation revealed few or no toxic effects. The encouraging results of this preliminary study recommend continued evaluation of this plant and the active principles isolated from it.


Piper Nigrum Fruit

Available in whole or powder form
Common Names:Black Pepper, Poivre, Schwartze pfeffr, Maricha, Milagu, Kalu misris.

The fruits of Piper nigrum have great medicinal value. Piper nigrum is used both, internally as well as externally. In the form of an external paste with sesame oil, it is beneficial in the skin diseases like scabies, leucoderma. The Piper nigrum paste application helps in reducing the swelling and pain. Piper nigrum is also salutary in acne, stye and boils. In diseases of the eye like pterygium and nightblindeness, Piper nigrum is applied with honey. Sodasa varti is one of the preparations, used topically in various ophthalmic diseases, contains marica, haritaki, yastimadhu and copper sulphate etc. In case of tooth decay and aches, the Piper nigrum powder is used for brushing the teeth. The gargles of it are rewarding in sore throat. A poultice made from Piper nigrum, salt and vinegar is benevolent to soften the corns. The nasal drops instillation is recommended in asthma, cough and in the accumulation of kapha in sinusitis. The Piper nigrum oil curbs the itching sensation in skin diseases. Internally, Piper nigrum is valuable in a vast range of ailments. Trikatu, one of the most popular and widely used compounds contains sunthi (Zingiber officinale), Piper nigrum and pippali (Piper longum). This being the combination of three pungent, hence the name. Piper nigrum is beneficial to increase the bioavailability of the drug, when used as an adjunct. Thus, innumerable Ayurvedic preparations consist of trikatu. Piper nigrum augments the appetite, when given with honey. Piper nigrum alleviates chiefly kapha diseases, obesity, colds, rheumatic diseases and tumors. The fine powder of Piper nigrum fruits works well, when given with water in treating chronic colitis. Piper nigrum is an excellent panacea for anorexia, dyspepsia, the enlargement of the liver and spleen and is beneficial, especially, for chronic skin diseases. Piper nigrum promptly acts as mucolytic agent, along with honey, in cough, asthma and colds. It relieves the blocked phlegm. Being diuretic is useful as an adjunct in dysuria. The decoction of Piper nigrum is commonly used in kapha disorders with honey. Piper nigrum works well with baked hingu (Asafoetida) to alleviate abdominal colicky pains due to flatulence. In fevers, the Piper nigrum powder is given along with the honey and fresh fuice of tulsi (Ocimum sanctum).the combination, Sadusna, consists of six herbs of hot potency, namely pippali, pappalamula, cavya, chitraka, sunthi and marica. Piper nigrum reconciles the digestive and respiratory systems. Piper nigrum shows antibacterial activity against the Gram negative organisms and antifungal, taenicidal and also a hepato-protective activity.
